Reduces Risk of Arc Flash Hazards by 98%!

  • Keeps plants up and running 24/7/365
  • Safer for your employees, equipment and your plant
  • Easy to locate fault
  • Easy to install

Post Glover’s MVP.Net HRG
System with Standard Ethernet Communications

Exclusive Advantages:

  • Data logging provides a record of when faults occur,
    so they are fast and easy to find and fix
  • More accurate
  • Easier to use
  • Adaptable for future needs
  • Simplified remote monitoring


Features and Capabilities:

  • Ideal for the continuous process industries where you do not want the process to stop on the first fault
  • Offers protection to transformers, generators and drives from ground faults. Low probability of
    mechanical damage to transformer when using high resistance grounding\
  • Available to 15 KV
  • Standard designs sold complete with UL Listing